High quality, full-featured, compatible
Seiden PHP+ delivers the PHP modules you expect on IBM i. We are an official maintainer of the Db2 components and contribute fixes to PHP. We make all this available to the community. We recommend SmartSupport maintenance program for hotfix notifications, proactive checkups, new modules built as needed, and quick access to our support team for any unexpected issues.
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Here are the popular components and extensions we provide in PHP+:
Popular Components
For convenience and ease of installation, we provide popular open source components. Examples:
- mail() functionality (via SMTP)
- PHP Toolkit for IBM i (works with xmlservice/xml toolkit)
- Zend Framework 1 (updated for PHP 7 and 8)
- Composer, to make it easy to install new frameworks and components
- Apache integration made easy with our siteadd utility
The IBM i community has come to rely on extensions such as ibm_db2 and PDO_IBM for critical functionality that their applications rely on. Seiden Group has updated and built these for 64-bit RPM-based PHP on IBM i.
See a module we don’t list or support? Let us know. Seiden PHP+ currently includes (either built into PHP itself, or available as a package):
Module | Purpose |
apcu | Caching |
bcmath | Advanced math |
bz2 | Compression |
calendar | Date/time conversions |
ctype | Character checks |
curl | Network protocols (communicate with web services and more) |
date | Date handling |
dom | XML parsing |
exif | Image metadata |
fileinfo | File type guesser |
filter | Data filtration |
gd | Image processing |
gettext | Localization |
gmp | Advanced math |
hash | Hashing |
ibmi | IBM i specific functionality |
ibm_db2 | Classic Db2 connectivity |
iconv | Codepage converter |
imap | IMAP mailboxes, mail address parsing |
imagick | ImageMagick (image processing) |
JSON | JSON encoding/decoding |
intl | i18n (internationalization) and Unicode. Required by Zend Framework (Laminas). |
LDAP | Directory services (authenticate using Windows AD servers) |
libxml | XML |
mbstring | Complex text (multi-byte) |
mcrypt | Encryption (deprecated; openssl preferred) |
mongodb | MongoDB (NoSQL) connectivity |
mysqli, mysqlnd | MySQL/MariaDB connectivity |
oci8**** | Oracle connectivity |
odbc | Open database connectivity (including new PASE driver) |
opcache | Performance optimization |
openssl | Cryptography and encrypted transport |
pcntl | Process control |
pcre | Regular expressions |
pdo_dblib | Microsoft SQL Server connectivity using FreeTDS |
pdo_ibm | Classic Db2 connectivity |
pdo_mysql | MySQL/MariaDB connectivity |
pdo_pgsql | PostgreSQL connectivity |
PDO_ODBC | Open database connectivity using PDO |
phar | PHP archiver (run PHP code from a single file) |
pgsql | PostgreSQL connectivity |
posix | Unix system functions |
readline | CLI prompting |
reflection | Runtime information |
redis | Redis support (key/value store; like memcache/apc) |
shmop | Shared memory |
SimpleXML | XML processing (used with XMLSERVICE and more) |
ssh2 | SSH support |
soap | SOAP web APIs |
sockets | Network and domain socket connectivity |
sodium | Cryptography |
SPL | Data structures and autoloading |
sqlite3 | SQLite DB |
sysvmsg | System V messages |
sysvmsg | SysV semaphores |
sysvmsg | SysV shared memory |
tidy | HTML parsing and cleanup |
tokenizer | PHP parser |
xdebug | Debugging, profiling, tracing |
xml | XML |
xmlreader | XML |
xmlwriter | XML |
xsl | XML |
zip | ZIP archiver |
zlib | Compression |
**** = on request