Like all good open source advocates, we love finding and sharing free resources. We hope you enjoy these favorites related to open source on IBM i.

Tips Newsletter

Monthly strategies and tips on how to best use PHP and open source in an IBM i environment.

Open Source Docs

Docs on how to set up open source, Apache, PHP, Python, Node, and related tools on IBM i.


Use QCachegrind with Xdebug to profile the performance of your open source applications.

VS Code for IBM i Fridays

Join the Code for i Fridays community to receive invites to this bi-monthly event, check the next meeting date, and read highlights from past meetings. 

VS Code for IBM i Resources

A compilation of how-to guides for VS Code for IBM i, an alternative to IBM i’s RDi, SEU, and Merlin. 

Apache for IBM i Documentation

If you’re having trouble finding info on HTTP Server for i (Powered by Apache), try these resources.

DB2 for i Documentation

 Locating the official docs for all features of DB2 for IBM i can be a challenge. Here are our favorites.

QshOni: QShell on i

Use QshOni commands to easily integrate Python, PHP, Node.js, etc. with CL & RPG programs on the IBM i.

PHP Toolkit

Get the latest version of the Toolkit as well as usage examples and other resources on how to use it.