VS Code for IBM i: A Resource Guide

UPDATED 2/5/2025

Code for IBM iVS Code for IBM i offers an alternative to RDi, the fee-based graphical IDE for IBM i, and SEU, the native green-screen IDE. It’s faster than RDi and easier to learn than either RDi or SEU. It supports development in RPGLE, COBOL, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Node.js, etc. Liam Allan’s Code for IBM i 2024 review updates us on the state of the open source project.

Code for IBM i Official Resources

Visit the Code for IBM i page on the Visual Studio Marketplace. From there you can install the Code for i extension, read the official documentation, or get a list of keyboard shortcuts for Windows, macOS, or Linux.

Code for i Fridays

Join Seiden Group and other Code for i users online to share discoveries, discuss problems, and address open issues. Sign up here to receive invitations.

VS Code for IBM i Training & Support

For the most efficient way to get your entire team up and running with VS Code for IBM i, talk to us about RDi migration, training, and Code for i SmartSupport.

Code for IBM i Articles by Seiden Group

These articles are listed by publication date, from June 2021 to present. Jump to the most recent articles here.

VS Code for IBM i: Introduction

Introducing Code for IBM i, a free extension for Visual Studio Code that makes it easy and efficient to develop RPGLE and COBOL applications for IBM i. Read more…

Viewing SQL Results, Comparing Source, Finding Content

How to use Code for IBM i (RPG, COBOL) with Visual Studio Code so you can view SQL results inline, compare sources, and search file content. Read more…

Editing PHP

How VS Code for IBM i helps IBM i developers edit PHP on IBM i with quick setup and fast loading/saving, at no cost and with time-saving developer productivity features. Read more…

RPG Linting and Content Assist

How to get started with the Code for i linter, a static code analysis tool used to flag programming errors, bugs, stylistic errors and suspicious constructs. Read more…

5250 Terminal and PASE Shell

How to open your choice of a 5250 terminal or a PASE shell right in the editor. Read more…

Source Date Settings

Source dates are supported in Code for IBM i, but not by default. Here’s how you can enable them. Read more…

Debugging RPGLE and COBOL

New as of February 2023, Code for i includes an ILE debugger. This video and related docs show how to get started with it. Read more…

January 2022 Update

An overview of all of Code for IBM i’s extensions, including RPGLE Language Tools, RPGLE free, IBM i Code Coverage, IBM i Testing, and the IBM i Git client. Read more…

Language Tools to Make Coding Easier

An overview of Code for IBM i features, highlighting support for both fixed-format and free-format RPGLE. Read more…

Project Mode

How RPGLE developers can navigate their code—and understand it—all while editing remotely in Code for i. Read more…

Edit IFS Files Using Visual Studio Code for IBM i

Follow these seven quick steps to install VS Code and its Code for IBM i extension to access and work with IFS files stored on your IBM i. Read more…

How to Update the Code for i Extension

Updating Code for i requires only a restart of VS Code, but here the details to clarify the process. Read more…

How to Report an Issue with VS Code for IBM i

If you encounter a bug or issue with Code for IBM i, installing the latest update may resolve it. If not, follow these instructions to report it. Read more…

Using SSH keys with VS Code for IBM i

This article explains how to configure VS Code for IBM i to use SSH public key authentication, a more secure alternative to passwords. Read more…

VS Code for IBM i Repositories

If you want to understand how a component of Code for i works, or suggest an enhancement, here’s a list of links to the repositories for popular Code for i extensions. Read more…

Read-only Mode in VS Code for IBM i

If you are using the VS Code for i extension and would like to “browse” or view certain source members without the risk of modifying them, use “Read only” / “Protected” mode.  Read more…

Code for IBM i Minimum Requirements

In September 2024, the VS Code for i maintainers clarified minimum system requirements for the IDE, summarized in this post.  Read more…

Compare Source Code with VS Code for IBM i

VS Code for i can easily compare IBM i source code versions, whether stored in traditional source members or in IFS stream files.  Read more…

“BOB” for IBM i: Demo by Edmund Reinhardt

In this one hour tutorial, Edmund walks us through how to use Better Object Builder (BOB) to compile source in VS Code, prepare a make file from scratch, and use Source Orbit. Read more…

VS Code for IBM i: SEP Debugging Prerequisites

Code for i users have been showing great interest in Service Entry Point (SEP) debugging. This article highlights key prerequisites that must be installed in order to use this flexible debugger. Read more…

Getting Started with VS Code for IBM i [Video Tutorial]

Patrick Behr demonstrates how to install VS Code and its IBM i Development pack, connect to an IBM i server, set and manage library lists, filter your object browser, and change and compile RPG source. Read more…

VS Code for IBM i: Filters [Video]

In Episode 2 of his Getting Started with VS Code for IBM i series, Patrick Behr shows RPG and COBOL developers how to filter and find IBM i source physical file members. Read more…

Future Resources

We will do our best to keep this list up to date, so if we miss something good, let us know!


24 replies
  1. Sean Pedersen
    Sean Pedersen says:

    I’m pretty pleased with the Code for IBM i extension so far, but have two questions for which I was unable to locate answers in your documentation:
    1. How do we reset source dates? When we promote a new program to production, it is our policy to reset source date for each line of the source member to 000000. I don’t seen any way to do that through the extension.
    2. We have source files with thousands of members. So, scrolling for a specific source in the browser list can be quite tedious. A search in the browser list is useless, as it is a text search within each member, rather than a search of member names (and takes forever). Is there a shortcut to load a target source member directly like we have in RDi? (In RDi, you can press Ctrl-Shft-A to display a screen that allows you to enter library, file, and member, and get that member displayed in the editor; apologies if you already knew that).

  2. Jack
    Jack says:

    Learning my way through the swamp. Lucky me is the designated trainer/installer. I am doing ok except for this notification:
    “Unable to install GETNEWLIBL. See Code for IBM i output for details.”
    Everything else is going well, connected OK, directories set up etc. Any ideas?

    • Amy Lantz
      Amy Lantz says:

      Hi Jack, the first thing to do when you get an error message that you can’t figure out is to update your version of Code for i. It’s fast and easy, and issues get fixed so quickly that updates often solve the problem. The instructions are here: https://www.seidengroup.com/2023/07/10/how-to-report-an-issue-with-vs-code-for-ibm-i/.

      If updating doesn’t resolve your issue, the article above also gives instructions for reporting your issue to the Code for i team.

      Let us know what happens.

    • Sebastian
      Sebastian says:

      Perhaps a little late for OP, but if anyone else stumbles upon the problem and find themselves here. I encountered the same error. Found in IBM i output that I could not access the object. It hade been created by another user before me and authorities were set only for that user. So check t hat you have the authority to create or replace ILEDITOR.GETNEWLIBL

  3. Digvijay Singh
    Digvijay Singh says:


    We are trying to evaluate VS code for IBMi development in our CVS IBMi application before rolling the same out for DEV usage.
    While performing the evaluation we ran into some issues, reaching out to this group to get feedback for resolving these issues.

    Let me know if there is a separate forum that I should use to log these items for feedback, we may have more such items in upcoming weeks. Thanks

    1. Unable to add Object Browser Filter once added. Tried Right Click+Delete Filter but created filter is not getting removed. Did refresh and also tried restarting VS code but did not work.

    2. Similar issue with Profiles, once a profile is created I am unable to delete/remove it.

    3. In few of our machines, we are runing into issues with adding object brower/source filters. Getting error ‘CPC2957: No records copied from file O_RSOHZJBH in TESTLIB. CPF2817: Copy command ended because of error.’
    We have validated system temporary setting’s to ensure Temporary library(TESTLIB) and Temporary IFS directory are setup correctly. This is holding many developers to evaluate Code for IBMi.


  4. Mario Salgado
    Mario Salgado says:

    If i have a list of Source Physical members and I want to find a string or a word in any of my programs? How you do that?

    • Amy Lantz
      Amy Lantz says:

      Patrick Behr suggests that if you right-click on the source PF name, you’ll see an option “Search Source File.”

  5. Allen Wollenberg
    Allen Wollenberg says:

    Hello again – one more question. I am trying to use VS Code debug and it doesn’t work with pub400. The only viable alternative I can find so far is iDevCloud for $100.00 a month. That seems pretty steep for trying to learn and experiment. Can you recommend any other low cost alternatives to PUB400 that will allow using debug with Code for IBMi ?

    • Patrick Behr
      Patrick Behr says:

      There are a couple of user groups that allow members access to IBM i (MAGiC and OCEAN are the two that I am aware of, maybe others). I think membership is about $100/year.

  6. Allen Allen
    Allen Allen says:

    Hello. I am using VS Code with PUB400 and am finding that when I use a special character such as !, it is converted to a different character when I view the code from the green screen. It is the same problem if I write the code on the green screen and then view it in vs code. Is there something I need to do in the settings of VS CODE to fix this? Or maybe an extension I’m missing?

  7. Davide Galloni
    Davide Galloni says:

    Hi All,
    I’m starting to use Visual Studio, I think is a great tool to write RPG program.
    I have a problem on connection to iSeries.
    I set up my user name and password but, when I try to connect, I receive this error:
    Not connected to! Handshake failed: no matching client->server cipher

    I don’t found information about this error. Someone can help me to solve this issue??
    Many thanks

    • Alan Seiden
      Alan Seiden says:

      Hi, Davide, something seems wrong with your SSH connection. I suggest you test your SSH connection from a terminal or the SSH program in Windows. Troubleshoot your connection there. Once it works, then you can use it again with Code for i. From a terminal, you can use ssh -vvv to get verbose logging information.

    • Amy Lantz
      Amy Lantz says:

      Very glad that you found it useful! If you run across other great resources that would flesh out this list, please let us know.


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