Seiden Group hosts regular community gatherings for VS Code for i users who want to ask questions, share tips, and discuss open issues and potential improvements to the IDE.
NEXT MEETING: February 7, 2025, 2:30 pm ET
Sign up using the form on this page to receive invitations to this and future meetings.
Below are some highlights from meetings and community messages.
- Liam Allan filled us in on the Code for i refactoring project and showed how the SQL syntax checker helped him develop procedures to manage ILEastic API endpoints.
- Demonstration of Code for i’s “IBM i: Go To File” as having similar functionality to RDi’s PDM perspective.
- Attendees offered tips and we addressed several user questions.
- Scott Forstie gave us a sneak peek at IBM’s latest Db2 extension work-in-progress—contextual syntax error information.
- Scott also demoed content assist, hover, and the new editable cells support, and he asked the group for other ideas on enhancing the database extension.
- We addressed several user questions
- Attendee Ravi demoed how to get the prompt screen to show username, server name and current working folder.
Kath provided links to info on two new Code for i enhancements.
- The latest release of the RPGLE language tools, with improvements for fixed-form RPG 28.0 - Editable cells in the Db2 extension
- Alan demoed Calvin’s new pfgrep tool, used to search source members.
- Liam showed upcoming Code for i enhancements for fixed format RPG.
- RPG Outliner for VS Code was demoed by Markus and Gerhard of Litters Consulting.
- Discussed whether to add references to VS Code outline view and how to use the same workspace for multiple systems.
- Adam Shedivy, an active contributor to Code for i, gave us a sneak peek at the upcoming AI enhancements to the IDE’s Db2 for IBM i extension.
- “BOB” for IBM i Demo with Edmund Reinhardt
Edmund provided a complete demonstration, start to finish, of how to use BOB to compile source in VS Code; prepare a make file from scratch; and to use Source Orbit. These tools can help developers who wish to use Git with stream files instead of traditional QSYS-based source members.
Join Us for Code for i Fridays
- About two Fridays per month
- Bring your Code for i questions, problems, and tips, or just listen
- We review open issues, and when possible, move them forward
Sign up for Code for i Friday invitations.