Update Corrects an Issue Loading libpq.so

PostgreSQLIBM has delivered a fix for an issue with the libpq (PostgreSQL) package. The libpq RPM installer script had a subtle issue where the symbolic links did not get created correctly. IBM i users saw warnings like these:

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Node.js v20 and Other Updated Packages Require New IBM i Repositories

IBM i open source for businessAs we mentioned in our article on installing ODBC via yum, the latest IBM i open source packages require new repositories.

A notable example is Node.js v20. When we hear users say, “I don’t see Node.js v20 listed in available packages, and yum returns ‘No package nodejs20 available‘,” the reason invariably is that the new repositories, ibmi-base and ibmi-release, have not been installed.

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How to Resolve Yum Command FTP Errors on IBM i

While installing packages from IBM’s original open source repository, ibm, users may encounter errors, including:

  • [​Errno 12] Timeout on: ftp://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/ibmi/products/pase/rpms/repo/repodata/repomd.xml: (28, ‘Connection time-out’) Trying other mirror. Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: ibm. Please verify its path and try again.
  • [​Errno 14] FTP Error 451 – server did not report OK, got 451 Trying other mirror
  • [Errno 14] FTP Error 550 – Access denied: 550 Trying other mirror

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Be Careful When Using Yum Remove

Open SourceThe Yum install command installs open source packages. It also installs any sub-packages upon which the desired package relies.

Yum remove does the reverse. It will remove a requested package.

What some users don’t know: Yum remove also removes any packages that depend on the package you removed. This is true whether running Yum manually or via the ACS open source package manager.

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Using Yum to Install or Update the IBM i ODBC Driver

ODBC with Db2 for IBM iThe IBM i ODBC driver for Db2 has become easier to install.

Formerly available only as a download requiring several steps, the driver can now be installed and updated on IBM i with Yum or Access Client Solutions (ACS), as easily as with other IBM i open source packages.

Here are instructions for installing the ODBC driver using Yum.

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Solving “curl#6 – getaddrinfo() thread failed to start”

Curl-logoIf you download files onto your system using PHP, Yum, RPM, or other tools, there’s a good chance curl is involved, be it part of a library (such as PHP’s curl extension and the Guzzle HTTP client) or called on its own.

The version of curl provided in IBM i PASE uses multiple threads to speed up common tasks such as DNS lookups. When threading support is not available, however, curl fails.

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