Entries by Amy Lantz

Getting Started with VS Code for IBM i [Video Tutorial]

Code for IBM i is rapidly gain traction as an efficient, cost-effective alternative to RDi for RPGLE (fixed and free format), COBOL, CL, and Db2 for i development. To help traditional IBM i developers explore this fast and flexible IDE, Patrick Behr offers this first tutorial in his Getting Started with VS Code for i video series. In it, he demonstrates how to install VS Code and its IBM i Development pack, connect to an IBM i server, set and manage library lists, filter your object browser, and change and compile RPG source.

PHP: The “RPG” of Open Source for IBM i

Reliable. Versatile. Fast. The terms we use to describe modern RPG applications apply to PHP as well. That’s why PHP remains a top choice to supplement RPG for IBM i projects involving the web, APIs, and high-volume transactions. One sterling example is Curbstone’s PCI-validated payment solution, which uses PHP-based portals to process over 8 billion dollars in credit card payments annually with 99.99% uptime availability.

What’s New & Exciting in PHP on IBM i in 2024

A proven IBM i solution for API, mobile, and web application development, PHP is now at version 8.3. Solid and dependable, today’s PHP is fast, easy to code, yet powerful for the modern developer. In the video below, courtesy of Toronto User Group (TUG), Alan Seiden explores modern uses for PHP. He provides tips and code samples, discusses recent PHP enhancements, and offers his recommendations for security and performance. You’ll also learn how: IBM i users enjoy easy updates and fast performance. The PHP package comes with key extensions, tested and working out of the box. Each new PHP release…

PHP 8.3 for IBM i Released in Seiden PHP

Last week the IBM i community got PHP 8.3, the newest version, via Seiden PHP+. While PHP 8.3 has valuable updates, PHP 8.0 and lower are no longer receiving even security fixes, increasing your risk of issues with security and certainly with your next security audit. Contact Alan for a free upgrade assessment. PHP 8.3’s new features include json_validate. You’ll find the full list of changes and supporting details at PHP.Watch.

IBM i Modernization Seminar at IBM France

On December 5, 2023, Alan joins fellow IBM Champions Koen Decorte and Charles Guarino at IBM France for a day-long seminar and networking event focused on IBM i modernization, AI, Business Intelligence (BI), and cyber resilience. Sponsored by IBM and CD-Invest, the seminar agenda balances educational sessions with opportunities to ask questions and have informal discussions with the presenters and fellow attendees.

RPG Rocks! A Musical Tribute to IBM i Developers

If you’re up for a laugh today, check out RPG Rock — A Retrospective for IBM i Developers. In it, Paul Tuohy spins a tale of how Ted Holt and Alan Seiden roped in Steve Will, Barbara Morris, “roadie” Liam Allan, and many other IBM i-loving musicians to memorialize the life of an IBM i developer through music. You’ll find a few key segments linked below.

IBM i API Examples Using RPG, Node.js, PHP, and Python

The Toronto User Group recently invited Alan to speak with them about how to implement secure, flexible APIs to connect IBM i applications to other systems. Using several real-world code examples written in various free tools and languages—including RPG, PHP, Python, and Node.js—Alan demonstrated how others send and receive data safely using their favorite language paired with IBM i business logic. This video contains the details.

Next Generation Free-Form RPG with Susan Gantner

Earlier this week we shared how one of our clients successfully transitioned the maintenance of an important System 36-era application from busy RPG developers to a younger web developer interested in learning RPG. The heart of their strategy? Converting their fixed-format RPG code to more modular RPG Free Form. At the same time, Susan Gantner was presenting a session on using free-form RPG with the clear message that moving to RPG Free Form is critical to bringing new talent to IBM i development.

What’s New in Open Source on IBM i

Open source on IBM i is moving fast these days. Alan recently shared his favorite updates to IBM i open source—focusing on improved security, performance, and ease of programming—at a Summit Lunch & Learn hosted by Paul Tuohy.